Friday, June 30, 2006


I´m sorry it´s been so long since I last wrote an entry - for the past couple of weeks I´ve been running around organising moving into the penthouse. Yesterday the process was completed with the purchase of the most remarkable livingroom suite I´ve ever seen. It´s black leather with white leather piping. If you try to imagine what an intergalactic pimp of the future would sit on you´ll get the idea.

Things took so long to organise because in Bogota you have to know exactly where to go to buy any particular thing. For instance, if you want a fishing rod you have to go to a certain street in a certain district. I will be going there on the suggestion of the man who runs the shop underneath the flat. He said that if we needed anything we should lower a bag with a note of what we want and the appropriate cash. He can then take this and replace it with our order.

I´ve started to get to know my new neighbourhood, La Macarena, a little bit better. It´s right in the middle of the city but retains a small town feel. The community, for some reason, revolves around a little shop run by a woman who looks like Tweedledum (or is it Tweedledee?). Although she runs a grocery store she also sells beer and has a small, dark back room which is always filled with people chatting and drinking. In a strange way it´s the closest thing I´ve found to an English pub since I arrived in the New World. Other oddities of the neighbourhood include a restaurant with hundreds of dismembered dolls and other old toys crawling all over the ceiling. It´s quite disturbing. If that weren´t enough the toilets have a hell theme - complete with urinals made of upended coffins with sinister bat heads to aim at. I think it´s something that needs to be seen, I´ll try to take some photos.

Sam, who has taken a lease on the flat for a year, left for the States today to pick up his dog, a Jack Russell terrier called Bruno who he can´t manage without. Before he left we decided to take another housemate.

So, now I find myself living with a Lebanese Virginian painter and a six-nippled Israeli who is teaching English on the basis of an encyclopaedic knowledge of Pink Floyd lyrics.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Looks like we have an imposter in the camp.There can only be one Potato Head, so all you new potatoes please just grow up!

Anonymous said...

Ptotato envy?

Anonymous said...

Trust the source

A potato is about 80% water and 20% solid.
Henry Spalding first planted potatoes in Idaho in 1837
"French Fries" were introduced to America when Thomas Jefferson served them at a Whitehouse dinner.
United States potato lovers consumed more than 4 million tons of French Fries in various shapes and sizes.
Potatoes are a powerful aphrodisiac, says a physician in Ireland.
The average American eats 140 pounds of potatoes per year. Germans eat more than 200 pounds per year.
The largest potato grown was 18 pounds and 4 ounces according to the Guinness Book of World Records. It was grown in England in 1795.
The highest volume baked potato restaurant, The Hot Potato, is located in Plaza las Americas in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Anonymous said...

Seeing that Matt is not posting, let the potato wars commence.

Anonymous said...

First Potato from Columbia!

Europeans first came in contact with the potato in the Magdalena valley in the Colombian Andes in 1537, and its first recorded use in Europe was at the Sangre hospital in Seville in 1573. Potato was introduced in the US in the early 1700’s, probably from Ireland. In Europe, the potato was initially regarded as poisonous or unhealthy, and spread across Europe as an ornamental, through exchanges among botanists. It was not until the Napoleonic wars (1805-1815) that potatoes were accepted as food. The potatoes grown at the time were selections from the original andigena types (Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigena) introduced by the Spaniards, and as such they had a very narrow genetic base.

Anonymous said...

As most of us know,Maris Piper is the favourite variety of the nations chip shops. Used in over 95% of all outlets.
But summer is here so why not make your own patato salad. Charlotte makes an ideal choice, she has a lovely golden skin and is firm in texture. What more can i say. Enjoy..........

Anonymous said...

Try this link for more about potato salad

Anonymous said...

You can kill a potato with a spud gun.