I´ve had a really cultural day today, and all for free - this city is really growing on me.
First was the Museum of Money, which sounds quite dry but was actually incredibly interesting. It managed to explain the entire history of the nation by means of its currency. Everything was covered, from pre-conquest trade routes to the effect of World War Two on Colombia´s economy. There were also rooms full of old pressing machines and elaborate safes. It was nice to see just how many of them were made in Birmingham. Not only was the museum free, but on the way out I was given a specially-minted coin as a souvenir.
Next door was an art gallery (again free) filled with paintings donated by Fernando Botero, Colombia´s most famous artist, who is still alive and working today. His style is very much like Beryl Cook, that woman from Plymouth who draws fat ladies. I never really knew much about Botero before I came here, but I´m bowled over by him - it´s impossible not to smile at his work.
He´s obviously done well for himself, judging by the private art collection that he has also given to the people of Colombia. This gallery included work by, wait for it, Picasso, Dali, Chagall, Ernst, Toulous-Lautrec, Renoir, Pissarro, Matisse, Leger, Degas, Klimt, Henry Moore, Francis Bacon and Lucien Freud. Just about every artist I´d ever heard of and loads more.
There were also rooms of the most fantastic Colombian art, right from early times to the present day. My favourite part was a gallery of pictures of dead nuns. Apparently here it used to be the tradition to paint their portraits after they´d died. I suppose their modesty wouldn´t allow it otherwise.
Perhaps the most stunning item was a giant altarpiece, perhaps the most valuable thing I´ve ever stood in a room with. It´s made up of 1,485 emeralds (all big and flawless), dozens of giant diamonds, rubies and saphires and more than ten pounds of top-quality gold. It was shaped like the sun on a stick, rather than a cross, in order to impress the local Indians who worshipped the sun.
After hours looking at these treasures I went to the gallery restaurant for lunch, along with a Chech bloke called Andre. This was an incredibly posh place of the sort that would be out of the question at London prices. But a two-course meal with two glasses of wine cost about three pounds - which represents my entire spending for today.
This really is a great city - it´s going to be so difficult to leave, even after I´ve seen everything I want to. Tomorrow, for example, I´m planning to visit a cathedral carved out of salt.
Botero Links
Beryl Cook
hi george,
iam just the middel of interesst in the internetcafe... i just can not stop giggeling after i read your blog... i can almost taste that chinese meal in puerto v. again.....good job! happy to hear, that you are fine!!! i miss you very much!!!!hope to hear from you soon!!! kisses and hugs lydia
hi matty steve again.been at the croft and your mum has got me to tell you that asprin is no good for altitude sicness.tried to get them surfing the net but you cant teach an old dog new trics.also probbley having a good laugf about my spellling.i recon you should find somewhere realey nice settle down for a month or so and we will come and visit.they must be craying out for teffel people out there.ps no good beach photos of brizilan beuates yet like you promsied,so get that camara flashing of the girls flashing.well take care and rember if you cant be good be carful STEVE
What Steve says goes.
I can see why Botero appeals; anything to do with what was plastered on the living room wall at 3 Ash Grove perchance?
Sugest you go to Cartegena Rocio has freinds there. Best place in Columbia.DAD
all right mate.Thought yoy might find some sort of teaching post out there,what with teffle and degrees,is that farren height?You sod got to see jemiquie maby not the best sound but still there.How many dates are you getting those lades must love a verry rotund face and good persanalaty,so youll be doing fine.nealey got to see the naked lady in the glass box but a bit blurey,would of preferd to see the girl on the bus who makes her own cloths,or not.Not mutch happening here spring is appon us so feeling slightley better.glad you'r working and staying at a place you like stay there for a little while and soak up the culture and the students ,or the teachers.You never know how desprate a person could get for a way out(marrage licence for UK)if you do come back? hitched? make shure shes a stunner and a bloody good cook,all the best steve...
Dear Mat I have already sent you a message but canceled it by mistake! steve is giving me lessons so between us we are doing really well! My computer skills are nil but with my help his selling is nearly as good as mine. I gave your journal to my fiend Joan Cummungs who has written all her life and done open University etc, she has read your accounts of your travells and has said it must be published wants the first signed copy! Is it really the Bishop of Hereford that is sending you the comments or is it that David and Emily?Please tell them to give us a ring I cannot find their tel no .We do miss them and Ihave a sword - shoes etc of Davids.We would love to see them . Take care all my love Mum .
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