This is where four lads I was out with last night ended up for the heinous crime of walking a few yards from a bar to the hostel without carrying any identification. On the way back from a few quiet drinks we were suddenly confronted by a vanload of police, who look like soldiers here because they dress in green and are armed. They told us to stand up against the wall and empty our pockets. As we were doing this they told us to put our hands against the wall. Then they told us to empty our pockets, with our hands against the wall. It was quite confusing, and I couldn´t help getting the giggles. After searching us they demanded to see our identity papers. I happened to have my press card from the Derby Telegraph, which, despite the fact that I look like Colonel Sanders on it, was accepted. I then had to help another English lad, Lee, argue that a photocopy of his passport should be enough. The policeman kept saying he needed to see the original, but eventually relented. Aviv also got by with his Israeli identity card, but the other four were bundled into the van and taken away. Herman, the hostel owner, has been running around pulling strings to help them out, but they´re unlikely to be released before the afternoon. If anyone is reading this who still believes that identity cards are a good idea for Britain, then please think again. It´s not so much the threat of being stopped without a card and thrown in prison that´s the main problem, more the fact that everyone´s right to exist is ultimately controlled by the government, or in this case by a shadowy government department known as DAS, which issues identity cards and other permits. I´m going to have to deal with this ministry myself before too long, to extend my visa. When I´ve mentioned this to Colombian people they actually shudder. They all have experience of the surreal inefficiency and corruption I´m going to have to face. They also know that without their identity in order they can´t function in society. In a sense they cease to exist. They´re totally stuck until they can persuade some civil servant to stamp a piece of paper for them. They are any number of reasons why this may not happen, ranging from individual incompetence to government harrassment. I can´t imagine the chaos in Britain that will follow the government experimenting with retina scans and suchlike. But they argue that it will stop terrorism. Perhaps they should visit Colombia, which has some of the strictest identity laws in the world but vast swathes of land controlled by tens of thousands of guerillas, who, presumably, have all been registered by the state at some point. To change the subject - I´ve managed to find out a little more about the Swiss hippy, or the Bolivian Baby Butcher as he´s now known. He calls himself Frankenchrist and, I´m told, carries a picture of himself dressed as Jesus but with Frankenstein´s flat head. The reason he´s expecting the Antichrist to pop up in Bolivia is because this is the geographical heart of the continent, which is what remains of the lost continent of Mu, the original home of the Atlanteans, the fathers of the Aryan race (or something like that). I still don´t know whether he´s batting for God or the Devil, but Brian, the English Christian bloke, confided in me that he felt a "great evil" in his company. "I´ve not felt anything like that since I was hugged by a Chinese albino," he added, bizarrely. Oh, and I´ve ended up in the national press here after being interviewed by a journalist from Colombia´s daily paper, El Tiempo. It was an article about the hostel. I´m not sure exactly what I said, I think this should be a link: |
I have added the English Version of the article in comment
The Mapper
Dear mat I am sorry I havent written to you before this but as you know I have to wait for Steve to come up. also some of my messages do not seem to have got through.First of all my friend Joan Cummings has read your Blog and thinks it IS FANTASTIC . sAM RANG YESTERDAY TO see if you were going to his wedding . apparently he has sent you an E Mail but hasnt heard from you. If you want present sent Etc let me know. Miss you lots take care love Mum.+++++
all right mate .here again weather at the croft is georgours and seem to be working me socs off.still trying to get your mum into the age of internet but falying dismnley.the littlen has turned two!it just seems like she was just born the other day.but she's ansering me back allready.must have alot of her mother in her!So then whats up down your way plenty of this that and the other.too nackerd to be jellious now -BUT-it must be better than digging a ditch down a septick tank!are you jellious of me now?stillwating for all that ass and the rest but as long as your getting it it seems a bit more !!!!whatever ceep having fun and ceep the working up if the inclonation is still there.take it steaddy and have alot more fun STEVE
tell the swiss hippy that in the morning at. 1 second to 2 minutes to 3 o,clock it is. 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06!!!so just tell him that!!!!!!!!!!!!!love dad.
An inn of the historical district of the Candlemas in Bogota is ' the Tequendamá of the mochileros
The wide-awake site affections between the foreign young people who go of excursion by the world and arrive at the capital. It is recommended by Lonely Planet.
Lorraine Caputo defines to itself like a poet andante. From 1988, in company of its knapsack, the rocinante, and with the pretext to write its verses, a trip began in which has crossed 19 countries, from Alaska to the Patagonia.
In these passages it has known travelling that as she prefers inns where they find comfort cheap and a propitious atmosphere to share histories and adventures.
One week ago it arrived at Bogota and it found in ' Platypus' which she herself considers "one of the best inns for travellers of Latin America": ' Platypus', a site that has been working for 10 years and that today are the first option of estadía of the mochileros, nonsingle being economic - the night is worth 14 thousand pesos -, but by its calidez and the integration that occurs between its guests, almost all foreigners. "It has his prestige between the frequent travellers like I", comments Lorraine.
Success with key
' Platypus' was born of an idea that had its proprietor, Germa'n Field of broom, an ex- mochilero that traveled during 15 years by more than 120 countries.
"When I returned to Colombia it did not know what to do with my life. In those it was when I received, with surprise, the call of a French that I knew during a excursion by Africa, and I went to visit it, but the site where it was being stayed seemed to me terrible. Outside he was full of prostitutas, basuco smokers and robbers. Then I realized of which in Bogota it was being necessary a good place to receive to the mochileros "remembers Field of broom.
After a work of adjustment, today ' Platypus' counts on 11 quarters, capacity for 30 people, and five baths with hot water. In addition, it is equipped with a kitchen where they can make his own food and take coffee free all along.
To the year it receives 700 renters, of who single 70 are Colombian, who mainly arrive between March and August, months of greater occupation. "At this moment the greater visitors are the English, although also I have noticed an increase of travellers who arrive from the United States. In the 2003 single one we had three Americans in all the year, and now, in which it goes in excess of the 2006 already happen of 40", it assures Field of broom.
The success of the place is in the knowledge that has Germa'n of the world of the mochileros and their necessities. In addition he is first the referring one of information of his guests, because it speaks English, French, German, Italian, an advantage that ensure communications with them.
All those that know ' Platypus' assure that it is a special site. "the best thing is than is here the true community of mochileros, in where it is possible to be known travellers worldwide and to be shared histories".
George Martín, another renter, arrived from England to be single four days in Bogota. "I have liked this place as much that already I have been a month here. ' Platypus' is a very sociable site, where people know themselves the entire world. For example, it does few days I knew a young person of Ethiopia here. Asi is wonderful to have contact with people ' ".
According to account Germa'n, in ' Platypus' so strong bonds have been created, that some pairs have married and even had children. Also it remembers to have known renters who visited the city like mochileros and that soon returned like high international civil employees.
"Memory that once came to Colombia the representative from Nations United for Nutrition. She knew that the only site in Bogota where era could be cooked here. In spite of being executive of high level, she did not look for a hotel five stars: she came here. And as she enchanted to him to cook, between all we reunited silver and it prepared the food ".
When the guests arrive from their activities, they meet in the room to play cards while they interchange histories, because according to Lorraine, travelling being is, sometimes, a solitary office ".
Hi Mat
Just getting the hang of posting blogs again sounds like you are having quite an eventful time at the moment. Today is local election day so even a dog with a blue ribbon around it's neck would get in. I might vote for the green party as next week my composter bin arrives! Great excitement I can rush out and put my tea bags in it!
Cameron's going green too he's just had a lovely jolly to Norway I think it was to look at the ice or some pretense like that
Keep writting, Nicky
What about that bloke Al Keeda? Wivout them cards we'm at risk from Imslambic men wiv boms. AN that.
Yo dude.
David Cameron finally offered me a reason to vote Conservative. He said uncategorically that he'll do away with the ID card plans if they come to power at the next general election. I might just vote for them, we'll see. Couldn't bring myself to vote for any of the main 3 this time, went green and respectful. Would usually stay true to my namby pamby liberal beliefs but ever since they did away with my mate Charlie for boozing I can't quite think they're so very liberal after all. You know how Betty Booze and I are such firm friends. No dissing.
Tony's ID cards also offer me my first prospective trip to the cells. Much like your mates, I'll not carry one (unless they sedate me and surgically implant one).
There that was a nice little political rant for a Saturday afternoon.
Jo and Ewan well. My boss remains alive, miraculously.
Keep up the blog. It's great.
teaching indeed! your cover has been blown by the colombian fourth estate, it says quite clearly that you are "a renter" i'd always suspected as much,
ian xxx
come on you little devil's.not long too go is it, 6th of june this year........... 666 will it be the end as we know it. bollock's
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