I had my second Spanish lesson today, and got bogged down in direct and indirect objects. So now feel like I will never master the language beyond what's needed to argue with taxi drivers and point out sandwiches. I've also had some dispiriting experiences when out and about. I've had shopkeepers and waitresses not understanding my versions of words like jugo (juice), cenicero (ashtray) and cigarrillos (uh?). But yesterday was the worst, when the lady in the laundrette asked for my name and I replied "Jorge". I'm sure I said it right (you have to think of an asthmatic Welsh donkey braying backwards to get something like "khhorr-khhayy"), but I ended up having to write it down - leaving her, no doubt, with the impression that us foreigners are so stupid we don't even know our own names.
Although, having said that, I should admit that there may have been a few moments over the past weekend when that was true. Things got off to an early start on Thursday when Hitchen Dave and I were invited to American Dave's posh restaurant for an invite-only Thanksgiving meal. Us English gourmands got there shortly after lunchtime to see if there was anything to could do to help, but the gigantic turkey was already being kicked into the oven and everything else was in capable hands. So we just offered enthusiastic verbal assistance from the bar while making a start on the bottle of House of Lords whisky we had found in San Androsito - the paramilitary-run blackmarket area where you can buy everything from next month's movies to next year's cameras. It's an amazing place and proof, if needed, that rampant capitalism is hard-wired into the human soul. The whisky is a good case in point - so far as I know it's only officially available from the distillery in the Scotish Highlands or in the Upper House bar at the Houses of Parliament.
Perhaps it was because of the whisky that Dave and I both found it rather touching when Dave, the host, asked us all to join hands to say grace. It was perhaps the first non-sarcastic or silly preprandial blessing I've ever experienced. Usually someone either says "grace, tee-hee-hee" or "for what we are about to recieve may God make us truly . . . immune, tee-hee-hee." But Dave's version was sweet and sincere and made sense of what Thanksgiving was all about. Previously I'd assumed it was because the gluttonous Yanks couldn't climb around enough turkey in one sitting on Christmas Day. Now I know it's something about, um, er, who am I?
Friday, and to a birthday party for Australian Nicole. Her boyfriend John had nagged and cajoled enough to get everyone round to their apartment on time, so we could all lie in wait to surprise her when she came in. It worked reasonably well, except that because of a mix-up with phone calls we all ended up squatting in the dark for a good half hour trying not giggle before she arrived back. The surprise-factor was heightened by the fact that she thought she had been burgled again (and was on the brink of having the screaming heeby-geebies) when we all jumped out, roaring our best wishes.
Saturday got off to a slow start after waking up at Nicole and John's apartment, hunched up the same place I'd previously been hiding - the foot of their bed. After a few welcome cups of tea and some peculiar soup I wandered round the corner to Dave's house, where he was settling in to watch the new James Bond film (available for weeks gone by at San Androsito). It seemed like a sensible course of action for the afternoon until his Norwegian housemate brought his visiting brother back from the airport and insisted we join them in Nordic-style shots of whisky. It's difficult to refuse a pair of identical looming things with glacial stares and no eyebrows.
I should perhaps explain why Dave, who married just a few months ago, now has a Norwegan lodger. Sadly, he and his wife, Margarita, have found it difficult to get on and have separated. It's a particular shame because they are expecting a baby together any day now. But when two people see their futures on different sides of the world, things can become fraught.
After a boozy afternoon of watching Bond and saying "skol" a lot, it was back to the pimp-palace in the sky to cook dinner for Nicole et al. As per her birthday wishes it was spagetti bolognaise and potato bake.
Sunday was a lot more civilised, as I met up with my friend Julianna for an art exhibition called, unpromisingly, ArtBo. The quality of the art and the sheer scale of the event were quite staggering, underlining just how much money there is in this city. Also apparent was in whose hands that money is - clearly one was walking among the elite. People were taller, skin was paler and more heads were blonde. I would challenge anyone dropped into that hall from space to have more than an inkling that they were in South America, let alone Colombia. As with all cultural events here, it was absolutely packed - as it deserved to be.
Here are two pictures from Nicole's party on Friday night:

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the flat caps?
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