It does seem to convert people, Bogota. Many of my friends here arrived, like me, for a few days before deciding to stay for much longer. Others, like Jess from Cornwall, Middlesborough Chappy and Swedish Marcus, go home and then find that they miss the place too much, and come back.
Even though I was missing Bogota, my time in England went all too quickly and I didn't get to see half the people I planned to. I spent a nice couple of days with my sister and her family, even though it seems that my main role as an uncle is to be a punchbag for tiny fists.
That all seems a long time ago now as I sit in the common room of Playpus writing this entry. I'm not staying here, I just popped in to hook up on the wireless internet. I'll be staying at the Pimp Palace in the Sky for a few days before moving into what can only be described as a palace with Jess, Hitchen Dave and American Chris. The new place is right in the middle of the city and boasts a billiards room (with full-size walnut table) two courtyards (one a basketball court) and a baronial style granite fireplace festooned with lions and heraldic devices. My bedroom will be the upstairs ballroom. I know this sounds a little indulgent for someone on a budget - but it's cheaper than my last place and comes in at about twenty quid a week. I'll get some pictures up on here as soon as I can.
Now I have to pluck up courage and make a dental appointment. While I was at home I lost a filling eating a cherry drop while driving too quickly over a sleeping policeman, and living in a place where everyone's gnashers are white and perfect makes me constantly aware of how decrepit mine are. If I ever do meet Miss Colombia I want to be able to smile back at her with at least some confidence.
1 comment:
hi mate seems you missed out on meeting miss colimbia.shame if youd chatted her up maby therd be some naked photos,well so mutch for wishful thinking.same old same old here,your dads got gout in his ancle witch is quite funny seeing him hobble around with a stick.its strange to walk in for a cider and you aint here,but im shoure your glad to be back in the new and improuved pallace,oh by the way did yoy get to go to that carnival thing and if so where are the photos,been watching the rieo one on latenight ftv plenty of topless butes so get snapping and lets do some comparing.some stots of your new pad as well,i dont suppose the owner needs a diseect brittish builder does he,or get and find somewhere of your own so i can come out there and help you do it up,please!!!! all the best steve
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