Tuesday, April 25, 2006


The above, my students tell me, is a popular name in some of the backwaters of Colombia. So is Oosnavi. Even in areas where the American government denies having ever sent its military. Of course, the names are spelt USARMY and USNAVY. Apparently the peasant girls who get pregnant by the soldiers read the badges on their uniforms and assume that they are naming the babies after their fathers.


Anonymous said...

Do you believe this ?
Answer as a percentage please .

Anonymous said...

69% of me believes.......

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They should consider themselves lucky they didn't get shagged by a squaddie...they usually brand their ladeez on the arse with a heated-up metal capbadge, or they leave a regimental recruiting sticker on the back of the bedstead for the husbands to find! Damian

Anonymous said...

There's a similar story in Peru (I think)about the 'Junfrum' god cult - a silver bird god sends angels with food parcels etc. The US special forces would always give their names as "John from Ohio" etc.
Photos by anthropologists of wicker radio sets made by natives to call the sky gods. (They'd seen the soldiers radioing for supplies). Bizarrely, the cult continues as the natives don't believe the truth!
I'm off to church now. Dave